4. Connection permissions


Objective of this chapter is to show how to make AD connection visible for particular AD-Pro module.

By default connections defined in ‘Connection Manager’ module are not visible/accessable for other ‘AD-Pro’ plugins. Connection needs to be manually added to the ‘AD-Pro’ module, the permissions needs to be set. This chapter will describe how to allow ‘AD-Pro Authentication’ module, use AD connection. First make sure that you have ‘AD-Pro Authentication’ module installed, more info.

  1. Sign in to the DNN website as a ‘DNN Host’ or ‘DNN Administrator’.
  2. Go to page where ‘Connection Manager’ module exist.
  3. Click ‘Edit’ button on connection that will be connected with AD-Pro module. If there are no connections listed, add new one see Configuration process for more info.
  1. Click on button near ‘Permissions’ attribute, see figure below.
  1. From the drop down list select AD-Pro module that will have access to the connection. Modules on the list are in format [module-id] module-name, see figure below.
  1. Click on ‘Update’ button to save changes. Now, near permissions attribute is list of module id’s that can use this connection, see figure below.